A clear sky. Low 59F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph..
A clear sky. Low 59F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph.
Occurred on W Robertson Av. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at A & L Tire Company on W Inyokern Rd. . . Disposition: Disregard From Alarm Company.
Occurred on W Rebecca Av. Loud party report. . Disposition: Checks Ok.
Occurred on E Ridgecrest Bl. RP stating male sub/dk clothing/NFD is in alleyway casing cars /RP viewing
Occurred on N Sanders St. Cellular E911 Call: EMS request. . Disposition: Referred To Other Agency.
Occurred at Kerr McGee Baseball Fields on S Downs St. . . Disposition: Checks Ok.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Officer initiated activity at W Atkins Av, Ridgecrest. (Hundred block.). . Disposition: Checks Ok.
Occurred at Dart Thrift Store on N Gold Canyon Dr. . RP reporting male with flashlight inside yard. .
Occurred on S Suzanne St. Cellular E911 Call: RP reporting a male sub passed out in his flower bed. .
Disposition: Referred To Other Agency.
Occurred at Car Wash 1 on W Haloid Av. . RP stating large window in wash bay broken over night. .
Occurred at Rodeway Inn And Suites Heritage on N Norma St. . Service Class: VOIP RP clerk stating trespasser
tried to punch him/wma 507 goatee/no shirt/dk pants/boots/still 97 in rear of hotel/2nd caller stating sus is in
front of del taco. . Disposition: Warning (Cite/Verbal).
Occurred on W Graaf Av. Service Class: RESD Rustling noises heard. . Disposition: Report Taken .
Occurred on W Ward Av. Service Class: RESD Ambulance request. . Disposition: Referred To Other Agency.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Parade of 1000 flags. . Disposition: Necessary Action
Occurred at Rodeway Inn And Suites Heritage on N Norma St. . RP states that is back and he is back at the
location. . Disposition: Gone On Arrival.
Officer initiated activity at W Graaf Av, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.
Occurred at Gateway Villa Apartments on N Gateway Bl. . RP would like an officer to go with her to the male's
home to do a well check. . Disposition: Report Taken .
Occurred on S Richmond Rd. RP is unsure if his vehicle was stolen or towed. . Disposition: Negative Contact.
Occurred at Johnson, Charles B on S Del Rosa Dr. . . Disposition: Report Taken .
Occurred at Senior Citizen's Center on S Warner St. . Report of suspicious male in military fatigues. .
Occurred on E Hayden Av. RP states her daughter in law was speeding down the road with her one year old in
the car and hung up on dispatch - upon call back Rp states her son is mad that she is calling on his wife and to
cancel the call. . Disposition: Checks Ok.
Officer initiated activity at S China Lake Bl, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Warning (Cite/Verbal).
Occurred at Motel 6 on E Ridgecrest Bl. . RP states a BMA named "Bam" came into her work and stated that
she owed him $20 and tried fighting her and then kicked her. . Disposition: Information Received.
Occurred on W Las Cruces Av. Contact RP via 21 regarding child custody issues. . Disposition: Information
Occurred on S Allen St. RP would like to report her son missing. . Disposition: Information Received.
Occurred on W Kevin Ct. Ambulance request. . Disposition: Referred To Other Agency.
Occurred on S Holly Canyon Dr. RP states his mom just busted open his door and tried attacking him. .
Officer initiated activity at City Of Ridgecrest, W California Av, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Report Taken .
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Wants an officer to look at paperwork to see if he needs
an ankle monitor. . Disposition: Information Provided.
Occurred at N Sanders St/W Panamint. Contact via 21 regarding tools being held by former employer. .
Occurred on S Del Rosa Dr. RP states his daughter is at the above address
DVIR/McKinney, Kathleen and Johnson, Charles/married/non cohab/kids in common/arguing over divorce. .
Occurred on W Upjohn Av. RP states that her neighbor was hit by his father and he is requesting an officer
at her location as junior is there at her house. . Disposition: Checks Ok.
Occurred on W Robertson Av. RP would like an officer to check the apartments for people as there shouldn't
be anyone in them. . Disposition: Checks Ok.
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP calling 911 and TV heard in background. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . TV heard in background - no answer on call back.
Occurred at Ridgecrest Crisis Stabilization Unit on N Chelsea Av. . RP is an employee and states there is a
WMA/brown shirt/shorts/bald head with a golf club walking back and forth in the desert area near that
location and swinging the golf club - came up to the minor side and was looking in the window. . Disposition:
Occurred on W Howell Av. Pile of chicken feet on her sidewalk. . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Female advising accidental dial. . Disposition: Necessary
Occurred at Alta One Federal Credit Union on S China Lake Bl. . RP states that her son just dropped her off at
the bank and left her there. . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Hang up/unable to call back. . Disposition: Log Note
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Silent line/unable to call back. . Disposition: Log Note
Occurred at W Wilson Av/S Sanders St. BMA/gray shirt/gray shorts/dreads saw the male pull a 9mm black
gun and point it at a gray sedan. . Disposition: Checks Ok.
Occurred on W Moyer Av. Misc rambling. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at High Desert Haven on S College Heights Bl. . Ambulance request. . Disposition: Referred To
Occurred on N Oasis Dr. RP states his wife is trying to take his car and he doesn't want her to take it. Wife is
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Wanted a log note only that his ex is calling him over and
over - he asked for a log note only at this time. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred on S Del Rosa Dr. RP states that she thinks her husband might hurt himself. . Disposition: Domestic
Occurred on W Robertson Av. RP states that there are still people in apartment 1 and would like a log note. .
Officer initiated activity at City Of Ridgecrest, W California Av, Ridgecrest. NRA Dinner. . Disposition: Log
Occurred on S Farragut St. Ambulance request. . Disposition: Report Taken .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . Ambulance request. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at Pearson Park on W Vicki Av/N Downs St. . Male brought found backpack that he found at Pearson
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . Mumbling heard but the xray would not answer
when I asked if she needed police, fire, or medical. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at Stater Brothers #109 on N China Lake Bl. . WMA/BLACK TANK/BLUE JEANS/BLONDE
HAIR/BLUE BICYCLE - IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ENTRANCE. . Disposition: Warning (Cite/Verbal).
Occurred at Larkspur Apartments on S Downs St. . 4-5 girls/two wfj/two hfj/trying to beat up a girl and circling
the home where the girl lives. . Disposition: Gone On Arrival.
Occurred on E E St. RP states that she has a tresspasser on her property in Tehachapi - transferred to KCSO. .
Disposition: Referred To Other Agency.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . RP states that there is a restraining order and the 3
females are contacting her and stalking her through facebook. . Disposition: Information Provided.
Occurred on E Commercial Av. RP states his ex came to his home and there is an active RO between the parties
- female left /female called requesting KTP. . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.
Occurred on W Yellowstone Pl. Lift Assist. . Disposition: Referred To Other Agency.
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP requesting welfare check on dog/stating owner
has been gone all day and the dog is inside alone. . Disposition: Negative Contact.
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP stating sister threatened to kill her with a gun. .
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . . Disposition: Information Received.
Occurred on W Weiman Av. Cellular E911 Call: EMS. . Disposition: Referred To Other Agency.
Officer initiated activity at W Howell Av, Ridgecrest. (Hundred block.). . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . No fire/police/EMS emergency. . Disposition: Log
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . No fire/police/EMS emergency. . Disposition: Log
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . No fire/police/EMS emergency. . Disposition: Log
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . No fire/police/EMS emergency. . Disposition: Log
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . No fire/police/EMS emergency. . Disposition: Log
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . No fire/police/EMS emergency. . Disposition: Log
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . No fire/police/EMS emergency. . Disposition: Log
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . No fire/police/EMS emergency. . Disposition: Log
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . No fire/police/EMS emergency. . Disposition: Log
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . No fire/police/EMS emergency. . Disposition: Log
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . No fire/police/EMS emergency. . Disposition: Log
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . Cellular E911 Call: RP stating her judge told her to
call 9-1-1 because she's in a death penalty trial/call pinged at her residence. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Officer initiated activity at Town & Country Mobile Home Park, N Norma St, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Checks
Occurred on W Moyer Av. RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . Cellular E911 Call: Open line/still pinging at her
residence. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . Cellular E911 Call: Open line. . Disposition: Log
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . Cellular E911 Call: Open line. . Disposition: Log
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . Cellular E911 Call: Open line. . Disposition: Log
Officer initiated activity at A Night's Inn, N Balsam St, Ridgecrest. Disposition: Arrest Made.
Occurred on W Coso Av. Open doors/lights on/RP neighbor. . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.
Occurred at Casey's Steaks & Bbq on N China Lake Bl. . Service Class: VOIP EMS request. . Disposition:
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP stating someone is breaking into her house
right now. . Disposition: Negative Contact.
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . Cellular E911 Call: Hangup/no answer on call
backice Class: WPH2. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred on N Scott St. Complaining of neighbor welding in back yard by flashlight. . Disposition: Quiet On
Officer initiated activity at W Ridgecrest Bl, Ridgecrest. (Hundred block.). . Disposition: Warning (Cite/Verbal).
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . Open line busness line call. . Disposition: Log
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . Open line. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred on S Larkspur St. Vehicle with dome light on in front of residence. . Disposition: Checks Ok.
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP complaining about barking dog. . Disposition:
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . Open line. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Cellular E911 Call: Female stating accidental dial
Service Class: W911. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred on S Yorktown St. Report of juvenile ding-dong-ditchers in area/ No DOT. . Disposition: Gone On
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . Open line. . Disposition: Log Note Only
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . Cellular E911 Call: Reporting a male in a police
uniform banging on her door/RP does not believe him to be the police. . Disposition: Negative Contact.
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. .
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Report of male acting erratically near Kerr McGee center
/WMA green vis vest. . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.
Occurred at China Lake Trailer Park on W Moyer Av. . Cellular E911 Call: EMS. . Disposition: Referred To
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred on W Moyer Av. Cellular E911 Call: Carbon monoxide alarm. . Disposition: False Alarm.
Officer initiated activity at Car Wash Ii, W Inyokern Rd, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Checks Ok.
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/EMS emergency. .
Officer initiated activity at Car Wash 1, W Haloid Av, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Checks Ok.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Cellular E911 Call: Tourist asking about road conditions. .
Occurred at Stater Brothers #109 on N China Lake Bl. . Employee found
store/Employee with child by front door. . Disposition: Report Taken .
Occurred on W Robertson Av. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Cellular E911 Call: Female stating accidental dial
Service Class: WPH2. . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.
Occurred on W Howell Av. Extra patrols. . Disposition: Information Received.
Occurred on W Moyer Av. No fire/police/ems emergency to report. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred on W Moyer Av. No fire/police/ems emergency to report. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred on S Gemstone St. RP stating she was awakened by 2 women and a man parked in front of her
residence who are talking loudly. . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.
Occurred on W Coral Av. Cellular E911 Call: EMS. . Disposition: Referred To Other Agency.
Occurred at Sierra Auto Recycling on W Inyokern Rd. . . Disposition: False Alarm.
Occurred on W Felspar Av. Service Class: VOIP man in car in driveway/ has been there since yesterday, black
SUV/ rp stated she thought he was 10-7 yesterday but she saw his arm move today. . Disposition: Necessary
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . rp stuck in ridgecrest and needs to get back to death
valley to his vehicle/ rp from italy. . Disposition: Information Provided.
Occurred at A & L Tire Company on W Inyokern Rd. . . Disposition: False Alarm.
Occurred on N Sierra View St. Rp stating that he has a pendant alarm and he hasn't gotten verification that it is
Occurred at Ridgecrest Regional Hospital on N China Lake Bl. . Er lobby/ rp wanting her 602'd. . Disposition:
Occurred at Super 8 Motel on S China Lake Bl. . Service Class: BUSN rp stating accidental dial. . Disposition:
Occurred on W Upjohn Av. rp stating xray is being abused by her son. . Disposition: Checks Ok.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Contact 10-21 re: inc #2209080094. . Disposition:
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Contact 10-21 regarding harrassment. . Disposition:
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . . Disposition: Information Received.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . 911 hu, phone disconnected. . Disposition: Necessary
Occurred on N Wayne St. rp stating that there was an altercation with father-in-law and the father-in-law
pushed rp's wife/ arguing over property. . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP states that someone tried to steal her dog. RP
stated she did not want an Officer to respond. . Disposition: Cancelled by RP.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . REQ TO SPEAK TO P4. . Disposition: Information
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . RP is irate, making several statements about the police
coming to try to steal her dog today. . Disposition: Information Received.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Misc info. . Disposition: Information Received.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . son accidentally dialed. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Misc info. . Disposition: Information Received.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . hang up, on call back rp stating accidental dial. .
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . In lobby to speak to p6 re inc# 2209110045. . Disposition:
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . 10-27 /10-29. . Disposition: Assisted.
Occurred at E California Av/S Sunland St. Physical fight/ several juvs / one with ski mask/ older man with no
shirt and tattoos. . Disposition: Unable To Locate.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . . Disposition: Information Provided.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Disposition: Information Provided.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Case 22-177 rp wanting to know what is going on with the
Occurred on W Church Av. ambulance request. . Disposition: Referred To Other Agency.
Occurred at Big Lots on N China Lake Bl. . rp advising that two men were fighting but are now leaving in
seperate directions. . Disposition: Cancelled by RP.
Occurred at S Silver Ridge St/E Church Av. atv accident with injury / 1 blue 1 yellow/ blk shirts with pink/ wht
male JUV arrested for 12500(A)vc. . Disposition: Report Taken .
Occurred on W Robertson Av. ambulance request. . Disposition: Referred To Other Agency.
Occurred on W Upjohn Av. Two aggressive dogs trying to get into rps gate, rp advising that they have bit her
son in the past/ huskey and german shepard. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . open line, silcence. On callback no answer. . Disposition:
Occurred at Walmart Supercenter on E Bowman Rd. . dog locked in vehicle, unable to get further information
due to other 911 line ringing. . Disposition: Cancelled by RP.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . hang up/ no answer on call back. . Disposition: Log Note
Occurred at Walmart Supercenter on E Bowman Rd. . RP CALLED BACK AND WAS CALLING BEFORE
ABOUT A DOG LOCKED IN CAR, DUP CALL, VEHICLE HAS LEFT. . Disposition: Duplicate Call Entered.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Contact rp regarding harassment / and threats / rp
wanting RO. . Disposition: Information Received.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at Super 8 Motel on S China Lake Bl. . Service Class: BUSN hotel clerk stating accidental dial. .
Occurred at Super 8 Motel on S China Lake Bl. . Service Class: BUSN rp stating that her husband took her
phone so she can't call her mother to pick her up from the hotel. . Disposition: Duplicate Call Entered.
Occurred at Super 8 Motel on S China Lake Bl. . Rp on phone with brother, xray started yelling she was going
to take the child and tell officers that he was hitting her / xray also called and advised that she was trying to
leave the hotel and the male took her phone so she couldn't call her mom to come pick her up
DVIR dating/cohab/children in common/ arguing over cell phone. . Disposition: Domestic Violence
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Rp stating that xray keeps calling and threatening her 81
yo mother that lives in ridgecrest. wanting info on RO. . Disposition: Information Provided.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . . Disposition: Report Taken .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Req contact from s1 again regarding new incident. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . 22-2959. . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Wanting to know why she had a missed call, rp refused to
give her name, several calls with this rp today. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Open line music playing, on callback no answer. .
Occurred at Panda Express on S China Lake Bl. . 2 males and 1 female/ holding signs/ rp didn't have clothing
description. . Disposition: Gone Prior to Arrival.
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP does not have a fire/police/ems emergency. .
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred on W Moyer Av. No fire/police/ems emergency. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Officer initiated activity at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park, N Norma St, Ridgecrest. Disposition: Arrest Made.
Occurred at Sierra Sands Mobile Home Community on W Atkins Av. . Info on possible animal abuse. .
Occurred on W Haloid Av. Reporting theft of medicatiion /10-21. . Disposition: Information Provided.
Occurred at S College Heights Bl/W Salt River Dr. Cellular E911 Call: report of sparking light pole. .
Disposition: Referred To Other Agency.
Occurred at Dollar General #14155 on W Drummond Av. . RP stating WMA/red shrt/blu jeans was loitering
near bins at rear of store/ran around building when he saw RP/Ran into business/grabbed t-shirts/may or may
not have stolen said t shirts/left business/outside lacing up his shoes at end of call /RP called back stating sub
took a pair of socks out of package and wore them out of store. . Disposition: Gone Prior to Arrival.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Strovers. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . RP stating he has info on local business. . Disposition:
Officer initiated activity at N Downs St, Ridgecrest. (Hundred block.). . Disposition: Warning (Cite/Verbal).
Occurred on W Moyer Av. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Officer initiated activity at S Mahan St, Ridgecrest. (Hundred block.). . Disposition: Warning (Cite/Verbal).
Officer initiated activity at S Sunland St, Ridgecrest. (Hundred block.). . Disposition: Warning (Cite/Verbal).
Occurred on W Atkins Av. RP stating water is off for entire park. . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.
Officer initiated activity at N Downs St, Ridgecrest. (Hundred block.). . Disposition: Citation.
Occurred at W Wilson Av/S Sunset St. Cellular E911 Call: RP stating 2 males with flashlights NFD are stealing
from back yard UNK address/leaving area in UNK car or possibly on a bike/wb toward fastrip. . Disposition:
Occurred on S Desert Candles St. took pics of her ID/personal info/threatening to post on social media. .
Occurred at Kwik Serv on N Norma St. . Cellular E911 Call: Two WFA both blonde #1 blk sw jeans/2 tank gray
sweats/concealed bottle of champagne/LS EB Reeves. . Disposition: Information Received.
Officer initiated activity at Mcdonald's, N China Lake Bl, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Citation.
Occurred on E Bowman Rd. . Disposition: Checks Ok.
Occurred at Oasis Inn And Suites on N China Lake Bl. . Report of arcing/sparking neon sign. . Disposition:
Occurred on W Panamint Av. Cellular E911 Call: Ambulance request. . Disposition: Referred To Other Agency.
Occurred on W Panamint Av. Fire requesting AOD. . Disposition: Cancelled by RP.